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Игорь, 53 - 5 июня 2015 19:37

цитаты взято от Игорь
. . . (from loveplanet.ru/a-ljpost/login-guess133)
. May 06, 2010: 'The USA didn’t refuse from the development of their missile defense system in Europe, to protect their friends and allies' there (and Russia should stop sabotaging global missile defense - time works against Russia).
. May 11, 2010: 'Europe will develop the road traffic management system' (and implementation of my safety projects would also help).
. May 12, 2010: 'Russia doesn’t need US advices on the supply of missile complexes S-300 to Iran' (and that’s not good for partners). 'The USA and Romania begin official negotiations on placing US missile defense units' (and that’s right - otherwise, Russia will degrade finally).
. May 13, 2010: 'The agreement on strategic offensive weapons is introduced into the Congress for ratification' - Russia will do the same (and that’s good).
. May 14, 2010: 'The USA will help Israel accelerate the development of its missile defense system' (and that’s right).
. . . May 16, 2010: In Russia, vains compete in making the noise on the road, and officials don’t stop them... And that’s irritative - especially at night!
. . . May 17, 2010: It’s time to return to the idea of creating a Global System for World Economics Management...
. May 17, 2010: Europe intends to initiate the development of its missile defense system (and Russia should do the same - to have the basis for cooperation).
. May 18, 2010: Lewis and Postol find the US missile defense system ineffective (and that’s not so - "half a deed shouldn’t be showed to a fool", and to an opponent especially). 'The USA and Russia intend to ratify the agreement on strategic offensive weapons as soon as possible' (to cooperate on global missile defense, and that’s right).
. . . May 19, 2010: I’m in receipt of the minimal relief for Moscow again, and informed that my appeal of April 21, 2010 was directed to the MoD for consideration and response...
. May 20, 2010: 'Europe hopes to develop an effective missile defense system, and is ready to cooperate with Russia to make the whole system more effective - there’s a number of issues to be discussed and clarified before concrete cooperation can start' (and I hope for the best).
. . . May 24, 2010: I applied to the Norwegian Nobel Committee 2010 with this info, to afford them the opportunity of nominating the main contributors to Global Security & Safety for the Nobel Peace Prize 2010...
. May 26, 2010: 'US Patriot missiles in Europe will serve to ward off a potential long-range missile threat from Iran - Russia criticized the deployment' (and it would be better for Russia to initiate implementation of my recent projects - global missile defense won’t bear with such a hole).
. May 28, 2010: 'Medvedev introduced the agreement on strategic offensive weapons into the Parliament for ratification - synchronous with the USA' (and that’s right). Medvedev finds that Russia, while having no incentive to development except money, won’t survive without modernization (and implementation of my recent projects would help - ambition, and not vanity should become the main incentive for Russia to succeed).
. May 30, 2010: 'BP is still unable to stop the oil flowing away' (and that’s teaching - Howard Hughes would certainly succeed, and unfairness suppresses enthusiasm).
. . . May 31, 2010: I suggested that BP should keep trying to restore the extraction by localizing the flow and covering it with a conical pipe and a supple hose, and offered them my assistance - BP didn’t succeed previously because the flow wasn’t localized and the cover was too large and cornered...
. . . June 01, 2010: I applied to Obama for the industrial support to BP...
. June 01, 2010: 'Europe and Russia signed the agreement on confidential data protection' (to cooperate on missile defense, and that’s good). 'BP set to mount the restraining valve with the hose on the drill hole' (i.e. my suggestion is accepted, and that’s logical).
. June 02, 2010: 'BP tried to cut off the damaged pipes, and the saw stuck in the metal' (and that’s non-catastrophic - in distinction from drilling inclined holes).
. June 03, 2010: 'BP managed to cut off the damaged pipes, and announced the first success in liquidating the oil flowing away' (and that’s hopeful). 'BP intends to fight to the end, and understands that it’s just at the beginning' (and that’s strong). 'BP mounted the restraining dome over the drill hole - it may be 24 hours before they know if the operation is a success' (and I hope for the best).
. June 04, 2010: 'BP managed to begin partial pumping out oil from the drill hole' (and that’s good for the beginning). 'BP will try to close the dome valves' (to suppress the drill hole, and that seems possible). Obama finds that 'the system seems working, but it’s not the time for optimism yet - it’s necessary to be careful' (and that’s so).
. June 05, 2010: Medvedev finds it helpful to establish a global foundation to liquidate the consequences of regional catastrophes (and nothing will help without fairness). The operation results considerably surpass BP’s hopes - BP will strive for full pumping out oil from the drill hole (and that’s right).
. . . June 07, 2010: I congratulated BP on the success in implementing my suggestion of May 31, 2010, and warned them against drilling the inclined unloading holes there - it may create insoluble problems... It’s necessary to concentrate on the initial drill hole!
. June 07, 2010: 'Till the week end, BP will put in action one more oil pump system' (and that’s right). Obama is for 'drilling the unloading hole to liquidate the oil flowing away' (and that’s regretful, but I’m insufficiently informed and officially irrecognized to optimize). 'Europe considers possibility of the development of a missile defense system on all its territory' (and that’s right). 'The USA make efforts to bolster regional missile defenses' (to integrate them into global one, and that’s right).
. June 08, 2010: 'The USA suspect that BP hides the true scale of the catastrophe' (and that seems so). 'Having supported the MDA on the layered missile defense architecture since its inception, it’s a tremendous honor to watch the system continues to evolve - Boeing is proud to be a part of the system’s success, having demonstrated a flexible capability for the already proven defense system' (and that’s encouraging).
. June 09, 2010: 'The USA delivered an ultimatum to BP with the demand of giving, in 72 hours, info about its plans on blocking the oil flowing away' (to control the situation, and that’s right).
. June 10, 2010: 'The UK is ready to help BP liquidate the consequences of the oil spill' (and that’s good, but first it’s necessary to cope with the source - otherwise, BP won’t survive). 'The head of BP is invited to the meeting with Obama on June 16, 2010' - while striving to 'cope with the crisis', the USA intend to 'localize the scale of the catastrophe', and would like to 'be assured that BP does its best' (and that’s relative - I don’t see the necessity of drilling the unloading holes, for instance).
. June 11, 2010: 'Experts find that cutting off the pipes and mounting the dome just made the situation worse' (and that’s not so - true experts search for better solutions, and don’t "whistle-blow" ). 'Till mid July, BP will mount a more hermetic system over the drill hole' (and that’s right).
. June 12, 2010: 'The USA demanded from BP to submit, in 2 days, a plan for more decisive measures on liquidating the oil flowing away' (and that’s right).
. June 13, 2010: 'The USA demand from BP to solve, in 48 hours, the problem of the oil flowing away' (and I’m ready to assist).
. June 14, 2010: 'Obama will address the nation on the GoM situation tomorrow, and meet with the BP top management at the week end' (and that’s right).
. June 15, 2010: 17 countries already offered their assistance in liquidating the consequences of the catastrophe to the USA (and that’s good, but first of all, the USA need a "bright head" like Howard Hughes to succeed, and I seem to be such a person - it’s a "moment of truth", and my official recognition is inevitable). 'BP fully stopped pumping out oil from the drill hole because of the small fire at the auxiliary platform' (and that’s unfortunate, but undramatic - the way is already found). 'The Supreme Court of Russia decreed that Internet Mass Media should censor info at the forums only by indication of the State Organs' (and my recent info at www.Landings.com is still hidden, while being unapproved - in reply to my appeal to change that, there’s no access to the forums in Russia again).
. June 16, 2010: 'In the address, Obama promised to do his best to stop the oil flowing away and liquidate the consequences, and called to develop the innovative spirit of America' (and that’s strong). 'BP renewed pumping out oil from the drill hole, and hopes to stop the oil flowing away soon' (and that’s fine). 'BP consented to establish an independently managed foundation to compensate damage from the oil spill' (and that’s good, but enthusiasm should be supported first of all).
. June 24, 2010: 'Obama suggested the development of the joint missile defense system again', and Medvedev said nothing (and that’s regretful - Global Security & Safety is a good reason for "Skolkovo" ).
. . . June 28, 2010: I’m informed that my suggestions of May 31, 2010 and June 07, 2010 were Already Considered/Planned... And that’s good!
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